Here are some free assets and templates I have made over the years. Use these up, don't re-sell.

I would love to see what you make! Tag me @derekrukai.

Assets & Presets

Assets & Presets

Cinema4D PS1 Vertex Snap v3.5 [FREE]

A handy little setup to help get that wiggly vertex-snapping Playstation1 look. It's a Cinema4D project file with a object node setup that quantizes vertex position in relation to a null.

Check out the tutorial on pwnisher's YouTube channel and example projects on my Instagram @derekrutkai.

PlayStation 1 Style Texture Maps [FREE]

208 PlayStation 1 inspired texture maps. They all have reduced colors, are dithered, and are 64, 128, or 256 pixels in size. Separated into 3 different style packs: Industrial, Medieval, and Nature.

As seen on pwnisher's YouTube channel and my Instagram @derekrutkai.

After Effects Shape Presets [FREE]

My favorite shape presets I use so often they must be shared! Built to be lightweight and easily dropped into any project. I use them with KBar to give me single buttons for all these presets.


  • Background Rectangle - A full frame rectangle with a solid fill color. Position and size respond to comp size. I typically use these instead of solid layers.

  • Vignette - A rounded rectangle and a fast box blur. Position, size, and roundness respond to comp size. A bit more control than CC Vignette with size, blur, and roundness as separate controls.

  • Color Pallet - 146 colors split into 27 pallets. Sometimes you just need some quick colors.

  • Soft Circle - A circle shape with a size controller that also controls a fast box blur. I use this to add subtle highlights or gradients.